Yustiel, known as the Lady of Life, is one of the Empyrean Lords. She is a follower of Ariel, and after the Cataclysm became a Seraphim Lord.
She is fair, upright, amiable, warm-hearted, and symbolised by life, and the Cleric class. Always friendly and positive, Yustiel is loved and respected by all the inhabitants of Elysea. She has a gentle, caring nature, and craves peace above all else. This often puts her at odds with Kaisinel.
Yustiel stays in Elysea out of obedience and faithfulness to Ariel, but she cares not where her home is. Her only wish is to end the war and go back to the time of ancient Atreia.
Later we learn that she is trying to save Eltnen from the rapid desertification that threatens the region. To this end she invented special fountains called the Mystic Springs that gush forth an endless amount of water if powered by a magical artifact known as Life Stone, and planted several of them in the region. By creating several oasis-like areas Yustiel was able to halt the further ruin of Eltnen, but the Lepharists have recently been trying to destroy these springs or poison the water. Ultimately she wants to bring back Eltnen's former glory as the breadbasket of Elysea.
Awakened Legacy[]
In 6.0 she dispatches one of her legions, the Lifekeepers, to the recently discovered region of Lakrum. Lady Ariel assists her in this endeavor by dispatching <Viola> to aid her.
Apsaranta: Grace (8.4)[]
With Yustiel being involved directly with the development in Apsaranta, the focus shifted to the resources of the area. Recovery potions and illusion-breaking devices had been created with Io, although the side-effects could not be removed completely. As Lumiel, her close friend before the Cataclysm, had been the one present in Apsaranta at the same time, both factions could breathe a sigh of relief, the conflict mellowing out.
- One of her Mystic Springs could also be seen at the Observatory Village in Theobomos.
- It was an artifact created by lady Yustiel that allowed the player to purge the source of the contamination in Verteron.
- In the Eltnen campaign it is mentioned that the Manduri inhabiting the Manduri Forest area were originally human, but that Yustiel cursed them into beasts after they neglected their duties [1]. This sheds a somewhat different light on the Lady, who might usually be gentle but shows no compassion for those who irk from their duties and pay no heed to the possible dangers this invites.
- In an earlier artwork commissioned by NCsoft she is depicted as a tall, slender woman with a youthful but beautiful face and long blonde hair.