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Kill Wily Kundu so that the Manduri are less inclined to steal from the fortress residents.

Quest Information[]


Basic Reward[]


After getting the quest, go to the Manduri Stores and kill Wily Kundu. Return to Archelaos and collect the reward.


Initial Dialogue[]

", it didn't work. More things have been stolen by the Manduri, and I can't keep asking...ACHOO...asking passing [[Daeva]s to help bring them back. What can we do?
There must be another way to stop their menace...."
1 "Do they have a leader we can remove?"
"[Player Name]! That's it! That's perfect!
It's only since Wily Kundu took over that the thefts have really become a problem. If we can remove him, then perhaps the Manduri will be less inclined to keep on taking our belongings.
There's just one problem. We don't call him "Wily" for nothing."
1 "He's hard to catch?"
"Harder than a greased Bellepig. What's worse, we don't even know where his den is, and so can only try to catch him when he turns up at the main Manduri settlements.
I've commissioned others to find him and take him down, but no one has ever been successful. Ah...ACHOO! Oh...where was I? Oh, never mind.
How about you, [Player Name]? We haven't had a [Player Class] try it yet, and the bounty is quite hefty these days."


"Great! With any luck, Wily Kundu is about to meet his match and we'll be able to finally reassure the residents that the thefts will be over.
Now, as I said, we don't know where his den is, so I'm afraid you'll have to head to the Manduri Village or Food Storage, and wait for him. Of course, if you wanted to pass the time by killing some of the other Manduri there, no one would stop you.
You might even find some interesting trinkets on them, kleptomaniacs that they are. Faith and...ACHOO!"
X " and arms."


"I see.
Well, if you change your mind, just say so. I doubt we'll have Wily Kundu caught any time soon, and a [Player Class] like you is always welcome to try."
X "Goodbye."

Reward Dialogue[]

"Ah, there you are!
Did you manage to kill Wily Kundu then? I've seen two others come by since you left...ACHOO! Neither had any luck capturing him, of course...."
1 "I succeeded."
"You did? That's excellent news, well done! I'll report the news to the residents as soon as my shift is over, I'm sure they'll be overjoyed!
Here's your reward, [Player Name]. I'm sure you picked up plenty of good items out there, but I promised you the bounty, and here it is. Well done!"


Archelaos asked you to hunt a Manduri creature named Wily Kundu, saying that the robberies had become more prevalent after he assumed command over the Manduri. You found and killed Kundu, and received the bounty promised to you by Archelaos.

External Links[]

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