An Ulgorn Raider at Aldelle Hill in Ishalgen. He is in charge of documenting order pages.
- Ends quest
- "Ah, [Player Name].
- You been settlin' in all right then? Some of the raiders seem to have taken a shine to you already. Not a bad start for a [Player Class].
- You're not hungry, are you? I gotta be straight with you, the one thing I miss from civilized lands is the food.
- We're picking this place clean, but we aren't keeping much for ourselves."
- "What can we do about that?"
- "The hunger makes us stronger."
- "What can we do? Simple. We can pack up our stuff and raid someplace new.
- We've done it plenty of times before. I'm not sure why we're still here in Ishalgen. The Boss ain't said nothin' about moving on, though.
- Some of the raiders are complaining, or worse--they're keeping some loot for themselves rather than contributing to our quota.
- And that'll make Ulgorn mad. You ain't seen the boss get angry, have you? It ain't a pretty sight..."
- "I'll remember that."