Telemachus is a Brigade General in charge of the Eltnen Fortress. Although he looks young, he is a battle-hardened veteran who ascended sometime near the Cataclysm.
- "Appearances are indeed deceiving: I may be the oldest Daeva you've met. Surprise is written across your face, [Player Name]...perhaps an explanation's in order.
- Most Daevas ascend as adults, but in some rare cases, like mine, we ascend before we've reached maturity. The Empyrean Lords--for that's what we called them back then--must have had something in mind.
- Suffice it to say that I'm old enough to remember the Cataclysm. So if you ever want an old-timer's perspective, let me know. I've seen it all."
"Ariel's light, General."
- With quests
- "Arieluma, [Player Name].
- I've been waiting a long time for you."
- Starts quest
- Ends quests
Orders from Telemachus [?]
<Deliver on Your Promises> [25]
<Kaidan Prisoner> [29]
The Kaidan Report [?]
Dirvisia's Sorrow [?]
External Links[]
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