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Aion Wiki

Undid the latest revision because DS does not drop gear anymore. The loot from both instances is now identical, the sole difference being the small chance at the Charged Stigma Bundle (not stone) dropping from final boss in SDS and the SDS boss giving each player an ancient manastone instead of the DS boss dropping 2 ancients for people to roll on.

ReylandAZ (talk) 13:07, July 8, 2015 (UTC)

I beg to differ. The regular version of DS drops Fabled armor from Steel Rose throughout the instance from some mini bosses. And the final boss (although not 100%) still drops pieces of eternal gear (weapons, accessories and armor). I can confirm it, as I completed the said instance some days ago and all those pieces were there.


I have not seen fabled armor from mini-bosses, or any gear from the final boss in DS at all since the start of 4.8. I have run both versions a couple of times since the patch. Perhaps they are still there, will take your word for it, but I can only conclude that the drop rate is either abysmally small or I have been followed by extremely bad RNG.

ReylandAZ (talk) 10:18, July 9, 2015 (UTC)