Sramia is the well-known tomboy daughter of <Daike> and <Amitnir> in Basfelt Village.
- "People say my mom has the heart of a soldier. I suppose that means she's brave.
- Oh, my mom is Daike the butcher. When people come back from a hunt, they take the game to <Nornes> and then to my mom.
- My mom is good at carving up meat. Oh! Maybe that's why people think she'd make a good soldier...."
"What are you up to?"
"Be good."
- "People tell me I'll be a commander like <Nokir> someday.
- But I think I'm a commander already. <Fener> and <Tanja> are my troops!
- Fener is a bit of a coward. Her[sic] heart's in the right place, though."
"Take care of your sister[sic]."
- With quests
- "Wow! A Daeva!"
- Although dialogue exists for this NPC, you are unable to interact with her to view it.
- Sramia's dialogue refers to Fener as a female when, in fact, he's male.