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Sky Temple Interior

The Sky Temple Interior is an instance consisting of three rooms within the Sky Temple of Arkanis. Each room contains a key boss that drops a specific key. Each room is usually accessed separately although it is possible to float downward to a previous room.


The first room is primarily non-elites. Kill only the Corrupt spirits to get to the Wind Key Guardian. This is the easiest room. Exit and fly up and over to the Wind Room entrance.

The Wind Room consists of two levels. If you go right, and again fight only the NPCs that are aggressive, you can make your way to right above the next level. Drop directly down, gliding in towards the wall to avoid floating out into aggro. These are all elites, but careful pulls are relatively easy. There are several patrols to watch out for. It is possible to mouse over the red dots on your radar map to locate the Fire Key Guardian, who can spawn in several locations. Kill that boss, and work towards the exit door by going straight down the center and then going to the left. Exit, fly up and around to the Fire Room entrance.

The Fire Room consists of three levels. Heading to the right after entering, work your way to the third gap in the gallery window area. Drop down to the second level, aiming out slightly to get past the ledge below. Take the damage and do NOT open your wings. There are inner patrols that can be avoided as you move as a group to the right. You should make your way to the next set of gallery windows. From there, jump and glide straight across landing on the left side of the stairs leading to Flame Judge Bolcan. Pull the closest NPCs first, then pull the Obscura patrols on the stairs. Finally,you can easily access the last group of 2 NPCs with Flame Judge Bolcan. This group of 3 will all pull together as they are social. Kill them, and get the final key.

Alternatively, it is possible to avoid the second level of the Fire Room completely. Starting out the same way from the entrance on the top level, work towards the right. Go to the second gap in the gallery. From here it is possible to float out and around leftward toward the third level. If you land to the right of the stairs leading to Flame Judge Bolcan, you can avoid all aggro. From here, the same strategy as above works to get to Flame Judge Bolcan and get the key.


Water Room
Wind Room
Fire Room


  • Needed for a campaign quest, this area required a group to be completed. Eventually, its difficulty was decreased enough to be done solo.