Reira is a street musician. Once a poor flower girl, she is now a talented performer at the concert hall. She is a musician who can express any feeling with a harmonious melody.
- "I have found the perfect musical mate in Ellon. He is why I am actually here in Pandaemonium, performing for Daevas. He is why I can reach my full potential as a musician.
- Of course, he is a Daeva, and I am a Human, so I know our partnership must end in time. But I am not concerned. It's why I married and started an family, after all."
"What do you mean?"
"Thank you for your music."
- "I may not live forever, but my name and talent can. When I have children, Ellon and I will teach them music. Then I will have them teach their children, and their children teach theirs, and so on.
- For as long as Ellon lives, he will have one of my line to accompany him. That way, our melodies will ring throughout the ages as long as there are Asmodian ears to hear.
- And who know? Perhaps one of my children or descendants will ascend. Then our legacy will be fully guaranteed."
"May your wish come true."