Micorunerk is a smuggler doing business during the day at Apellbine Tavern in Pandaemonium. At night he wanders about back alleys of Crandale District.
- Pandaemonium
- Apellbine Tavern (During the day)
- Pandaemonium Plaza (At night)
- Starts quests
- Involved in quests
<A Strange Creature> [37]
It's All Balaur to Me [?]
[Event] Solorius Romance [?]
- "Welcome,welcome! Daeva must not be shy!
- Perhaps Daeva needs help with things, yes? Perhaps wants certain...items not found here?
- Clever Miconyerk[sic] is your Shugo! Can find anything, and for reasonable prices! Yes, yes!"
"You're a smuggler, then?"
"No thanks."
- "Smuggle? Smuggle? Daeva must not call it that. Smuggling is forbidden, Shugos can be expelled, nyerk.
- Nothing is wrong with...difficult trading. Not dangerous, no no. Not forbidden in any way!
- Perhaps one day, all Daevas will understand. Until then, Miconyerk waits in Apellbine Tavernm, or in the back alleys round the square."