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Go to the Cantas Coast and talk to Guardian Notos at the Verteron Observatory.

Quest Information[]


Basic Reward[]


After getting the quest, go to Verteron Observatory and talk to Notos to collect the reward.


Initial Dialogue[]

"Excuse me! I've been waiting all day for someone to come along, and I've got a good feeling about you. Perhaps you can help?
It involves a fair bit of traveling, but the task itself is simple."
1 "What task?"
"I'd like you to find someone for me. You'll need to go to the Verteron Observatory on the Cantas Coast.
ou will find Notos there. It is he that I must contact. Will you pass on my message?"


"You will? I knew I was right to ask you. When you find Notos, tell him this: "The Pluma's tail feather is not black."
You need say nothing more than this. And the words must be exactly as I have recounted them! No room for poetic license on this mission, eh?
I must ask for one last thing--absolute discretion. You cannot mention this to anyone! Not a soul. Sorry to be so mysterious, but it is a necessity!"
X "I understand."


"Oh, I fear I've encroached on some mission of great importance!
I apologize, really I do. I should not have let my needs get in the way of your duty.
But please...though you cannot carry out this task, at least accede to my request for discretion."
X "Yes, that's fair."

Reward Dialogue[]

"Yes? Is there some reason for your interruption?
Oh, I see. You've come from Morai. A conversation with her can be most enlightening!
Tell me, did she mention anything of particular interest for me?"
1 "The Pluma's tail feather is not black."
"The Pluma's tail feather is not black? You're sure that's what she said? Oh, my...
Er...I'm sorry, Daeva. You must have come a great distance to see me. I know this was a perplexing errand, but I cannot explain, despite your help.
Thank you for delivering this message!"


Morai, a Centurion guarding Miraju's Holy Ground, asked you to go to the Cantas Coast and pass a cryptic message to Guardian Notos of the Verteron Observatory.

When you related the message, Notos was startled. You still don't know what it meant.

External Links[]

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