The standard manastones, they are the basic ones that can be socketed on all gear.
Level 10
Level 20
Level 30
Level 40
Level 50
Level 60
Level 70
Manastone: HP
Manastone: HP
Manastone: MP
Manastone: MP
Manastone: Accuracy
Manastone: Accuracy
Manastone: Magic Boost
Manastone: Magic Boost
Manastone: Parry
Manastone: Parry
Manastone: Block
Manastone: Block
Manastone: Crit Strike
Manastone: Crit Strike
Manastone: Evasion
Manastone: Evasion
Manastone: Magic Resist
Manastone: Magical Accuracy
Manastone: Attack
Manastone: Attack
Manastone: Maximum Flight Time
Composite Manastones are manastones which, when socket, boost two stats. Generally, the main stat (first one in the item's name) will be the same amount as in a regular manastone, while the secondary stat (second one in the item's name) will be lower. Logically, out of the vast number of combinations, only few are the most effective, and as such are the most valuable ones.
Introduced in 4.0, Ancient manastones boost specific stats, but in much higher values than the basic manastones. Unlike others, they can only be socketed on ancient manastone slots. As of 5.3, the manastones were removed from all sources. Ancient Manastone slots were replaced with regular slots, and existing Ancient Manastones were modified so they could be socketed into any regular slot, with the exception of Archdaeva Manastone slots.
Level 70
Ancient Manastone: PvP Defense
Ancient Manastone: PvP Defense
Ancient Manastone: PvP Magical Defense
Ancient Manastone: PvP Magical Defense
Ancient Manastone: PvP Physical Defense
Ancient Manastone: PvP Physical Defense
Ancient Manastone: Accuracy
Ancient Manastone: Accuracy
Ancient Manastone: Accuracy
Ancient Manastone: Accuracy
Ancient Manastone: Attack
Ancient Manastone: Attack
Ancient Manastone: Attack
Ancient Manastone: Attack
Ancient Manastone: Block
Ancient Manastone: Block
Ancient Manastone: Block
Ancient Manastone: Crit Spell
Ancient Manastone: Crit Spell
Ancient Manastone: Crit Spell
Ancient Manastone: Crit Strike
Ancient Manastone: Crit Strike
Ancient Manastone: Crit Strike
Ancient Manastone: Evasion
Ancient Manastone: Evasion
Ancient Manastone: Evasion
Ancient Manastone: Evasion
Ancient Manastone: Healing Boost
Ancient Manastone: Healing Boost
Ancient Manastone: Healing Boost
Ancient Manastone: Magic Boost
Ancient Manastone: Magic Boost
Ancient Manastone: Magic Boost
Ancient Manastone: Magic Boost
Ancient Manastone: Magic Suppression
Ancient Manastone: Magic Suppression
Ancient Manastone: Magic Suppression
Ancient Manastone: Magical Accuracy
Ancient Manastone: Magical Accuracy
Ancient Manastone: Magical Accuracy
Ancient Manastone: Magical Accuracy
Ancient Manastone: Magical Critical Resistance
Ancient Manastone: Magical Critical Resistance
Ancient Manastone: Magical Critical Resistance
Ancient Manastone: Magical Critical Resistance
Ancient Manastone: Parry
Ancient Manastone: Parry
Ancient Manastone: Parry
Ancient Manastone: Physical Critical Resistance
Ancient Manastone: Physical Critical Resistance
Ancient Manastone: Physical Critical Resistance
Ancient Manastone: Physical Defense
Ancient Manastone: Physical Defense
Ancient Manastone: Physical Defense
Ancient Manastone: Physical Defense
Ancient Manastone: Resist Magic
Ancient Manastone: Resist Magic
Ancient Manastone: Resist Magic
Archdaeva manastones, also called primary manastones, boost each class' basic stats. Each of them alter certain standard stats, such as Power boosting Attack and Physical Defense. These manastones are obtained as drops from monsters and rewarded by campaign quests or special quests. They can be upgraded into their greater tiers by the use of recipes bought with <Ancient Coin>s in Ariel's Sanctuary in Iluma and Azphel's Sanctuary in Norsvold. These manastones can only be socketed on Archdaeva Gear.