Luna Shop main screen
The Luna Shop is a side-feature released in the 5.0 patch. It offers various shop using Luna as their currency, and is one of the sources through which players can obtain premium items from Black Cloud Marketplace. It also comes with its own set of instances, which award large amounts of experience and other items.
Clicking the Luna Shop icon on the lower right side of the screen, next to the player's quickbars. Accessing the Luna Shop window is restricted to Standard Server only, as such it is not available while on Fast-Track Server. The Luna Shop is open to players right from the start, although its instances (Taki's Mission) are only available to players of level 10 or above.
Currently, the Luna Shop features five subsections, all of which can be accessed from the main panel. Making click on a tile will open the section's screen. Returning to the main panel can be done by clicking on the back arrow on the top left corner of the window.

Luna Shop icon
The Luna Shop runs on a currency called Luna. The amount of Luna currently owned can be checked by looking at the Luna balance field on the top right corner of the window. The coin itself is completely untradable, but once redeemed to the shop itself, it can be used by any character on the same account, even those on other servers.
Acquisition is limited to bundles bought from the online shop and few events.
Karunerk's Workshop[]

Karunerk's Daily Designs
“ | You can build some awesome stuff here, with the right materials! | ” |
– Karunerk
Karunerk's Workshop features recipes which players may use to obtain special items. These mainly include an immense variety of appearance items/skins, emotions, mounts, pets and housing furniture. Titles are also available, however they are extremely rare to obtain.
Five recipes are available each day. At 9AM (server reset) these are replaced with a newly generated set for that day. Each recipe comes with its own success rate; 25% success rate, 50% success rate, 75% success rate, 100% success rate, and high success rate equivalent where the recipe asks for more of specific ingredients than others. (Note: The item success rate also depends on the Item's rarity)
Recipes will ask for <Chipped Crystals>,
<Clear Crystals>,
<Cloudy Crystals>,
<Flawless Crystals> and
<Luna's Lights>, the last one being the rarest, and generally the limiting factor. Acquisition of these items is limited to instances in Taki's Mission. However, everyday players may craft a free Mysterious Material Box design that grants player a
<Luna Material Chest> which will award a random material. Subsequent boxes can be crafted for
16 Luna a piece.
If the player does not have enough of a material to craft a recipe, they can buy the missing materials for an average of 40 Luna a piece (rarer materials will cost more).
Dorinerk's Wardrobe[]

Dorinerk's Wardrobe
“ | Register outfits here to use their appearance indefinitely! | ” |
– Dorinerk
In this section players may permanently register up to eight skins or skin pieces to the wardrobe, and indefinitely apply these to owned items. There are however limitations in place (read below).
To register a skin item in the Wardrobe, drag-drop it to one of the available slots on the left or manually select it. There are eight available skin slots, but only two will be unlocked by default. The remaining slots can be unlocked for 10 Luna a piece.
Once registered, the skin item cannot be retrieved. It is however possible to overwrite it with a new item should the player desire to. To apply a registered skin to an item, select the skin from "Selected Outfit" in the Change Outfit tab, and put item which will receive the look of the selected skin in the Target Item slot below. The first appearance modifications of a registered skin is free, however subsequent ones of that skin will cost 12 Luna.
If the player wishes to remove that skin and/or assign it to a new items, they must remove the appearance from the "Remove Outfit" tab and then apply it again to the other item.
While all Clothing items are guaranteed to be accepted to be registered to the Wardrobe, not all regular items will be allowed. In other words, not all gear obtained from instances or crafted, for instance, can be registered.
Taki's Mission[]

Maedrunerk's Island map.
“ | Strike quickly. Time is of the essence. | ” |
– Taki
This tab serves as access to the two Luna instances available. Being solo instances, they may only be entered while not in a group and outside an instance. Other than that, they can be accessed anywhere anytime. These instances include:
- Contaminated Underpath — Daily instance.
- Secret Munitions Factory — Weekly instance.
One free entry is allocated to both instances, with this entry being restored upon the respective instance reset: the Contaminated Underpath entry will be re-supplied daily at 9 AM, while the Secret Munitions Factory resets weekly on Wednesday at 9 AM. If the player wishes to run the instance again before that time they can purchase additional entries for 160 Luna per entrance.
In terms of rewards, both instances are outstanding sources of XP and other consumables, and the prime source of crafting materials for Karunerk's Workshop.
These instances are timed and ranked, and as such the better the player performs, the better the rewards. At the end, several orbs will appear (rewarding XP when destroyed) and a bundle will be automatically given to the player. Regardless of rank, XP gain is the same. However other rewards are tied to it. There are also treasure chests which can only be opened with keys obtained from quests related to the instance, given out by Eli.
Unlike any other instances, the player will still complete it even if he does not contribute. Doing so will only give him Rank B, while involvement translates into higher ranks and better rewards. If the player only desires the XP however they can just afk inside until the instance is over, and then slay the orbs which will have appeared.
Level and gear do not matter inside, as a transformation will be applied, giving them access to unique skills and boosting their stats to a preset amount. Buffs and certain consumable effects will be removed as the player is teleported in.
Munirunerk's Treasure Chamber[]

Munirunerk's Treasure Chamber
“ | If you spend Luna, you will gain keys to my treasure chest! | ” |
– Munirunerk
Munirunerk's Treasure Chamber is a place where player can try their luck to obtain mysterious treasure from Munirunerk's Treasure Chest. This one can only be opened with <Munirunerk's Treasure Chest Keys>, whose source is limited to the daily rewards from spending Luna. These keys are automatically added to the Luna window, and using it will reward the player a random reward.
Rewards |
Daishunerk's Game of Fate[]

Daishunerk's Game of Fate
“ | Use the Auto-Roll feature to roll your dice automatically | ” |
– Daishunerk
This feature introduces dice rolling game. By spending 30 Luna, five dice will begin rolling. All five dice must roll the yellow Shugo picture, instead of the blue despairing Shugo image. Progress is saved, meaning that if the player rolls only 2 good sides at first, they may reroll the other 3 remaining dice, with an additional
30 Luna each time.
Once all dice fall in a good result, the player may either move onto the next tier of rewards or claim and acquire a random prize from the current tier. The higher tiers offer better rewards, but do however note that the player will need to "clear" such a tier as well (i.e. get 5/5 yellow Shugo rolls on it) before they can claim an item from it. Once an item has been claimed progress will be reset, and the player will starts over at Tier I.
The "Auto-Roll" button will re-roll dice until either the player runs out of Luna or the player gets five favorable dice.
Daily Rewards[]
Spending Luna in any way within the same day will grant the player additional rewards. The more they spend, the greater the prizes. When the player reaches a milestone, the item will be automatically delivered to the character's inventory. Each of the daily rewards can only be received once per day, but progress is reset daily at 9 AM. Progress and possible prizes can be seen in the Munirunerk's Treasure Chamber tab:
Spent Luna | Reward(s) |
200 | ![]() |
400 | ![]() |
800 | ![]() |
1,200 | File:Stigma Enchantment Stone.gif Stigma Enchantment Stone |
2,400 | ![]() |
4,000 | File:Bronze Cubicle Bundle.gif Bronze Cubicle Bundle |
8,000 | ![]() |
Kutana's Teleport Station[]

“ | Use my teleporter to get into the fight quickly! | ” |
– Kutana
From here, players can teleport to any of the selected locations, as long as they own enough Luna and are not in a state of battle. Once teleported, they will be sent to a safe zone platform. Currently, the only locations available for teleportation are the more important artifacts in Lakrum, the fortress there and Divine Fortress.
Location | Price |
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Selective Retuning[]
Selective Retuning allows a player who has already tuned a piece of gear to select a specific stat to tune, without risking to lose other precious stats. The result can be better or worse for that specific stat, but it is optional to apply it. Each attempt costs 40 Luna.
Perfect Resurrection[]
Perfect Resurrection is available once a player dies. The player will resurrect up in the spot they died, but with full HP and MP, and no Soul Sickness. Each time will cost 32 Luna, becoming unavailable after a certain amount of times. Divine Soul Healing will reset it.
Additional Entries[]
If the player has no entries left for a specific instance, they may use Luna to unlock an additional entry. The amount varies based on the importance of the instance, and the cost will scale up with subsequent entries. The price is reset when the instance's entry limit is reset.
Lunamin's Cheer[]
Whenever the player enters an instance, they will be given the option to active Lunamin's Cheer or not. Activating it will grant a buff which will boost the player's stats as long as they remain inside the instance. Each use costs 80 Luna. The buff increases HP by 3,733, MP by 2,613, Healing Boost by 180, Physical and Magic Attack by 285, Physical and Magic Defense by 285, Physical and Magic Crit by 755, Accuracy and Magic Accuracy by 825 and Block, Parry, Evasion and Magic Resist by 825.
- The name "Luna" means "moon", giving the currency a purple moon icon.
- Crafting recipes would originally ask for
<Luna's Blessings> in addition to the other materials. This item had a rarity on par with
<Luna's Light>, but was scrapped in later patches. Existing
<Luna's Blessings> were renamed to
<Depleted Luna's Blessing>, which will exchange for another materials once opened.
- While inside a Luna instance, players will be unable to interact with Express Mail couriers or other summoned NPCs. This includes using consumables in the inventory, or using any skills not given by the instance itself.
- The EU version of Aion hosted by Gameforge uses an abridged version of the recipe list in which many items (most notably mounts) were omitted.
- Interestingly enough, the Korean version of the game is the only region which does not have and has never had this system enabled.
External Links[]
- Luna Recipes - Listing of all items which can be crafted through Karunerk's Workshop.