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Order: Scoda, a Protector of Divinity, is looking for you secretly. Meet her at the Primum Fortress.

Quest Information[]


Basic Reward[]


Buy or craft a <Temporal Stone> which is required to complete this quest. After talking to Scoda, go to Ishalgen and talk to Munin. Head to Pandaemonium to the Secret Library to talk to Kasir, then to the Airship Dock to talk to Lyeanenerk. Go to Reshanta. Leibo Island is found by flying on the lower level directly towards the center. A flight speed scroll and wind serums are a good idea to take along. Talk to Lugbug and activate the artifact. Speak to Lugbug again, and then go back to Primum Fortress to talk to Scoda to collect the rewards.


Initial Dialogue[]

"A long time ago, I received a letter.
It was from one of my friends, and your name was written on it, [Player Name].
The letter said that you would someday come to Reshanta. And on that day, I was supposed to reveal myself and send you to the letter's author."'
1 "Who wrote the letter?"
"Others might be watching, so don't react when I answer you. This is a secret I've carried for years.
It's Munin--go to his prison cell in Ishalgen. And make haste! Munin is clearly trying to orchestrate something.
One other thing: tell no one that I'm in contact with Munin. My position doesn't mix well with Munin's exiled state."
1 "I'll keep this in confidence."

Intermediate Dialogue[]

"You must have met Scoda...and that means you've reached Reshanta. Reshanta!
The Aether flowing through your body is different than it was when last we met. You've grown a great deal, [Player Name].
But that growth--that second childhood--is over. It's time to change your future."
1 "Change my future?"
" change the outcome of your future battle with Hellion, I need to alter threads of fate that exceed my reach.
Exceed my reach...exceed my power. But there is another who can help you.
In your travels, have you heard legends of Leibo?"
1 "Leibo? Who's Leibo?"
"A "what," not a specific "who." I've never seen them firsthand, but they live somewhere in Reshanta.
The Leibos manage the Artifact of the Inception, which lets you see and influence the distant future.
Go to Kasir in the Hidden Library in the Pandaemonium's Temple of Knowledge. If anyone knows how to find the Leibos, it's him.
Also, acquire a Temporal Stone. It doesn't matter whether you make it yourself with alchemy or purchase it. But without it, you can't use the Artifact."
1 "I'll do as you bid me."
"You come to me...and I see desperation in your eyes.
Don't worry, you are hardly the first. You can trust both my wisdom and my discretion."
1 "Munin and I seek the Leibos."
"If Munin sent you to me, it must be important. He's not supposed to circumvent his confinement, even indirectly.
I know how he feels--I am essentially confined to the Hidden Library. The only difference is that I'm not exiled beyond contact with my people.
As for the Leibos, I know there is a Leibo Island somewhere in Reshanta. The rest is just conjecture."
1 "Any clue you have will help."
"Find Lyeanenerk in the Airship Dock and ask about the Leibos.
Supposedly she knows every corner of Reshanta, so she must know something about Leibo Island.
Most Shugos will do anything to please us. But if Lyeanenerk seems to be holding something back, mention the debt that she owes to Kasir."
1 "On my way."
"You're asking me where Leibo Island is?
Why do you ask me such a thing? It's only a legend! Akakak!
I am only a laborer working in the Airship Dock. I know nothing about Reshanta. I don't even know the legends, yes?"
1 "Here's a legend: 'Kasir and the debt...'"
"Are you threatening me? Nyerk, nyerk...OK, but tell no one else!
Leibo Island is on Reshanta's lower layer, near the center. I don't know exactly where...honest!
The Leibo chief...or shaman or named LugBug...or something like that."
1 "Thank you."
"Attend! What brought you here, Daeva?
I see your face. I can tell.
You're here to see your future."
1 "Yes, I am."
"Take action! Activate the Artifact of the Inception.
Do so, and your future will unfold before your eyes."
1 "I'll do that."
Lugbug -after activating artifact
"Report! Did you see what you want to see?
In your future, I saw Hellion.
He exists to test your destiny, Daeva."
1 "Yes, I saw him."
"Consider! You can't do anything about Hellion.
But you can improve yourself. Never kneel down or give up!
For your destiny, Daeva, can become the destiny of Atreia."
1 "Wise words..."

Reward Dialogue[]

"You are back, [Player Name].
You met Munin...secretly, I hope.
Did he grant you wisdom?"
1 "I saw a glimpse of my future."
"Meddling with the future can be a dangerous thing, even for the wisest among us. But I hope you saw what you needed to see.
Take this. It's a gift that many of us--all secret friends of Munin--hold close to our hearts.
May you walk in Azphel's shadow, [Player Name]. Or in Munin's shadow, for that matter..."


You heard that Scoda, a Protector of Divinity in Primum Fortress, was looking for you. When you went to her, she told you that Munin wanted to see you.

You visited Munin in Ishalgen. He said you needed to see your distant future precisely to change your destiny, and he asked you to get help from the mysterious Leibos. You found Lugbug on Leibo Island with the help of Kasir and Lyeanenerk. He showed your future to you through the Artifact of the Inception.

Afterward Scoda gave you a gift and said she hoped you found the wisdom you sought.

External Links[]

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