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Legendary NPC Portrait
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Kaisinel, Lord of Illusion

Kaisinel, known as the Lord of Illusion, is one of the Empyrean Lords. He is a follower of Ariel, and after the Cataclysm became a Seraphim Lord.


He is gloomy and reticent, and symbolized by illusion, fear, and the Spiritmaster class.

He has the ability to mold Aether into any shape he chooses, and some suspect that he even has the power to summon or create items.


He (or rather, his voice) is first met by Elyos players in Aion 3.0, where he instructs the player to go to Sarpan and assist Kahrun in an attempt to keep him away from Siel's Relics. He later appears in person during the fight against Tiamat, in which he saves the player and then slays the Dragon Lord while in his Divine form.

Throughout 4.0-4.7, Kaisinel could be seen and freely talked to in-game in the secret chamber in Kaisinel's Beacon in Katalam.

In Aion 4.9 Kaisinel can be encountered again (or for the first time, for new players) when the player is teleported to the 'realm' in which he now resides and recovers his energy following the events of the Upheaval.


During the early days of the Abyss War, Kaisinel was insulted by Lumiel from Pandaemonium, and he has been waiting for the day he can take his revenge.

Ariel, while asking her unnamed subordinate how is the fight is going in Tiamaranta, (after the Elyos player completes the legacy campaign), reveals that Kaisinel is the commander of the Sanctum Expeditionary Force and that his task is to destroy Tiamat. However, according to Vaizel's reports, he is having a difficult time not just because of the Balaur, but also because of the Asmodians and Marchutan.

In Aion 3.0, the Reian-Elyos-Asmodian united front drives Tiamat into a corner. When the Reian Sorcerers find a way into her hideout, the dragon's fate is settled. In the final battle the player neutralizes her control over Siel's Relics and gets help from Kaisinel. Without the relics Tiamat is weakened and becomes no match for an Empyrean Lord.

After Israphel and Siel's Relics were destroyed by Siel's Ghost, Kaisinel turned his eyes to Katalam, which had just come under attack from Dragon Lord Beritra and his forces. In order to find out Beritra's intentions, he created the perfect accomplice for Beritra: knowing that the player had recently arrived in the region and was currently unconscious from the aftermath of an Asmodian attack, he puts the player in an comatose state for a period of 6 months. During this time he and his agents reprogram the player's brain with magic, making him/her very gullible and agreeable with the intention of luring Beritra out. After the outcome Kaisinel refused to lift the magic or even apologize.

In Aion 4.8 it is revealed that Kaisinel went missing during the Upheaval. A side-quest reveals that the Lord is still alive but "probably overexerted himself" during the catastrophe, and is now biding his time somewhere while he recovers.

In Aion 4.9 the player encounters Kaisinel again, though this time he recognizes the player's efforts and skills, providing him/her with his personal seal and putting him/her in charge of the raid against Beritra in the Drakenspire Depths. After the player completes the mission and Kaisinel hears of how he/she honored Killios' memory and sacrifice, the Lord's personality is in stark contrast with before as he expresses his heartfelt gratitude to the player and everything that he/she has done for the him, Killios, and the Elyos race overall. Furthermore, he offers the player a spot on his personal unit.

In the aftermath of these events, one of his shocked agents remarks that this was the first time she had seen the Lord trust someone else, let alone express his gratitude, before noting that the player may have a positive influence on the Lord.
