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Deliver the seeds that Iandeus worked on to Phomona.

Quest Information[]


Basic Reward[]



After getting the quest, return to Eltnen Fortress and talk to Phomona to collect the reward.


Initial Dialogue[]

"Thanks to your hard work, we can now start to look at reforesting Eltnen.
Phomona was right. Her faith in Lady Yustiel was well founded. The springs were the key and Eltnen is not lost.
Many days are ahead of us before we can expect a renewed forest, but we are on the path to that future."
1 "What remains to be done?"
"First, Phomona needs to know of our success.
And it is our success--none of this could have happened without your efforts.
Here are some of the altered seeds. If you take them to her, not only will she know the results of the study, but she can arrange for more."


"Once again, you show your heart, [Player Name]. In all my years few I have met are so willing to put their kinsmen first. Remarkable.
Hurry. Phomona deserves to hear the good news."
X "I'm on my way."


"Ah, I see. I assume I used up your free time asking you to plant the seeds? I cannot complain if that is the case.
I will speak to Phomona myself, when I get the chance. Thank you for all that you have done, [Player Name]."
X "Not at all. Goodbye."

Reward Dialogue[]

"I send you on a simple errand, [Player Name]. I asked you to bring me information, then return. Yet you left me waiting.
Why? What were you doing?"
1 "Iandeus and I have been busy...."
"Oh, my, it is true then! Yustiel's blessings have saved Eltnen! These seeds...they are our future.
This is a lesson for all Elyos, [Player Name]: without due diligence and faith, an entire region would have been lost. Not to the Asmodians, not to the Balaur, but to apathy.
Your efforts here have won Elysea a prize equal to any we strive for in the Abyss. We have won our homelands back."


Iandeus succeeded in improving the seeds, thanks to you, and asked you to deliver them to Phomona.

When you did so, she was noticeably relieved and set about plans to reforest the entire region.

External Links[]

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