Hether walks the Divine Road encountering many Daevas and telling them the gossip she's heard about them from their friends. She seems to enjoy instigating fights.
- Sanctum
- Artisans Hall, Divine Road (wanders)
- "Ah, it's [Player Name]. I should have guessed.
- That's odd. You're not quite so ugly as I'd been led to believe. I confess I'm a little disappointed. With all the things your so-called friend has been saying about you, I had to see the truth for myself.
- What about all the other tales about you? A Daeva who's scared to fight, has grown fat from loafing about all the time, and cares about nothing but making Kinah? Are any of those tales true, too?"
- "Who's been saying these lies?"
- "What rubbish! Goodbye!"
- "Come, come. I can't tell you that. If I went around naming names, nobody would ever trust me with their secrets again!
- I will tell you this, though--it's someone very close to you.
- You should pick your friends better, [Player Name]. To think that someone could be such a close friend and yet say such awful things about you..."
- "I-I-I'm speechless..."