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Hellion is a powerful Elyos Legatus who is destined to conquer Asmodae.

Sanctum's Champion[]

If the player is Asmodian, Hellion is his/her nemesis and has to be defeated to circumvent the 'default' future where Asmodae is conquered by the Elyos. Munin tells the player that the future is not fixed, and so you have to create a 'new future' by freeing both your own destiny and that of Asmodae, which are interlinked, from Hellion before he grows too strong.

Hellion's past and origin is shrouded in mystery. It is known that he is one of the Elysea's greatest warriors and, accordingly to the dialogue in the campaign quests, was able to single-handedly defeated every archon that was sent after him prior the player's arrival. He is also seen fighting in the Abyss during a cutscene, in which he sweeps away an entire group of archons in a single blow.

When he is confronted in the final fight, he seems to be aware of the prophecy about the end of the world. He is determined to stop the prophecy from coming true and save Atreia

Thanks to Beritra's dark energy, which infused itself with the player after beating Villaire, Hellion fails to kill the player who then overpowers him. Moments before going completely out of control the player is saved by Munin, who neutralizes Beritra's energy and says that the player's "bad luck" (being marked by Beritra's evil) also was the player's "good luck" as he/she could not have defeated Hellion without it.


Aion Cutscene - Asmodian Lv.50 Campaign Hellion Fight.


  • If the player is an Elyos, Hellion is nowhere to be found or mentioned. It is possible that he functions as the replacement for the Elyos Mirage Legion General player for the Asmodians. This theory is fueled by the fact that Hellion is listed as a Brigade General, but without an affiliation.
  • In earlier versions it was not Munin but Lephar who saved the player from Beritra's energy. He also stated that the player was not yet ready to control his/her real powers.
  • Lephar and Azphel both listed Hellion as a candidate for the 13th Empyrean Lord's seat.