Gefion is a priest of Basfelt Village in Altgard. He is self-righteous and stubborn.
- Starts quests
<A Mythical Monster> [14]
<A Matter of Pride> [15]
<Rampaging Mosbears> [16]
- Ends quest
- "I know the fortress sent Archons here to aid our town, but they misunderstand what's needed here. These Archons are city-bred, ignorant of woodland life, and their Daeva ways unnerve the townsfolk, who're very practical, plainspoken people.
- I know much better than <Nokir> what our town needs, but he's pushed me aside. It's frustrating!"
"It must be."
- With quests
- "Azphelumbra.
- I'd hoped we would meet. May I speak honestly?"