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Disambig icon For the quest in Reshanta, see Balaur Bones (Reshanta).

Harumonerk wants to sell some Balaur Bones from the old battlefield in the Eastern Eranicus[sic] Desert.

Quest Information[]


  • Bring a Dragon Skull, a Dragon Rib, and a Dragon Leg Bone to <Harumonerk>.
<Dragon Skull> (0/1)
<Dragon Rib> (0/3)
<Dragon Leg Bone> (0/2)

Basic Reward[]


After getting the quest, go to Eastern Eracus Desert and find each of the bones. They are interactive objects on the ground. Bring all three back to Harumonerk to collect the reward.


Initial Dialogue[]

"Shugos have proverb: "Human leaves bones, Shugo leaves Kinah."
Daeva understands, yes? No Shugo dies poor."
1 "Yes, but no Daeva truly dies."
"Oh clever Daeva! Your wit is great, akakak!
But Harumonerk speaks of bones. You have seen, yes?"
1 "Bones?"
"Bones of Balaur! Bones of great value. Balaur graveyard waits in the sands, untouched since Cataclysm battles!
Bones are free to take, for those who brave the desert.
Daeva understands, yes? Can help Harumonerk acquire, for mutual gain?"


"Akakak! Daeva is more than just immortal pretty face! So kind, to help Harumonerk.
Boneyard is in Eastern Eranicus Desert. Large bones, cannot miss!
Bring back Dragon Skull, Dragon Rib, and Dragon Leg Bone."
X "I'll be back with your bones."


"Daeva? Daeva is still here? Harumonerk understood a lack of interest.
Decision unfortunate, but understood. This poor Shugo will not prod, is content to die alone and without Kinah...."
X "Somehow I doubt that."

Reward Dialogue[]

"Daeva has returned! Cube is full, yes? Full of Bones?
Harumonerk must see?"
1 "Not so fast."

Failed Item Check[]

"Harumonerk understands. Bones are large, and far away. No need to hurry, akakak.
Remember, Dragon Skull, Dragon Rib, and Dragon Leg Bone. Very important!."
X "I'll remember."

Successful Item Check[]

"Benevolent Daeva, wonderful Daeva. Brings kindness and profit to Harumonerk!
And receives a proper share, of course. Akakak!"


Harmorunerk asked you to bring him Balaur bones from the Balaur slain in the battles of the Cataclysm. You went into the desert and found them for him, and he rewarded you with your share of the profits.

External Links[]

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