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Abnormal Conditions can occur when you enter a certain area or when specific attacks are cast. A condition icon will appear on the top of the screen indicating the condition. Most conditions can be removed with healing potions, healing roots, or with physical or mental removal spells such as Dispel or Cure Mind. With Sleep or Immobilize, being attacked will remove the condition.

List of Abnormal Conditions[]

Condition Effects
Attack Speed Reduction Your attack speed decreases because you are mentally and physically exhausted.
Bleeding Your HP decreases gradually because you are severely injured.
Blindness Your attack accuracy lowers because you cannot see.
Confusion You attack both your enemies and allies indiscriminately.
Curse Your HP and MP decrease and will not be restored while you are cursed.
Disease Your HP decreases and will not be restored while you are sick.
Fear Your body moves against your will out of sudden fear.
Immobilize You cannot move at all because your feet are bound.
Movement Speed Reduction You walk slowly due to injury.
No Fly You cannot fly because your wings are paralyzed.
Paralyze You cannot move because your body is frozen.
Poisoning Your HP decreases gradually because you are poisoned.
Restraint You cannot use physical skills because your body is bound.
Silence You cannot cast a spell because you cannot talk.
Sleep You cannot do anything because you are in a deep sleep.
Stun You cannot move due to a strong shock.