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Order: The Elim are struggling with the gradual desertification of the Eltnen region. Meet with <Phomona> and find out what she knows.

Quest Information[]


  • Talk to <Phomona>.
  • Talk to <Demro>.
  • Talk to <Lodas>.
  • Find a Kerubian Bucket and fill it with Uncontaminated Water from the waterfall.
  • Bring the water to Lodas.
  • Talk to Demro.
  • Talk to Phomona.

Basic Reward[]

Optional Reward[]


After talking to Phomona in Eltnen Fortress, go to the Manduri Forest and talk to Demro. Continue down the road to the Eiron Desert and speak to Lodas. Go to the Putrid Mire to find a Kerubian Bucket which is on the ground in the middle of Kerubian huts. Fill it at the waterfall which can be found in the farthest western area of the Mire. Return to Lodas, then talk to Demro. Finally, go back to Eltnen Fortress and talk to Phomona to collect the reward.


Initial Dialogue[]

"My role in this world is to ensure the forests of Elysea are kept safe from harm. Unfortunately, our presence here has done little to prevent Eltnen's shocking desertification.
Look around, [Player Name]. This arid desert was once a green paradise; now there are only a few trees left, surrounded by an ocean of dust and sand.
It's all so overwhelming...."
1 "Are you working alone?"
"No, no. The Elim are also hard at work, but the challenge is simply too great.
If this were a natural change, we could have adapted. But there is something else at work here.
Eltnen's Aether is slowly being drained, you see. Even poor Lodas, ruler of Eltnen's forests, has been left withered and gnarled by the loss."
1 "Is there nothing we can do?"
"Flee, it seems. I've seen countless Elim leaving the desert to look for more fertile lands.
The Manduri forest, for example. I know of at least two Elim who now live there, though it seems they are still not at peace. They have been calling for help, in fact."
1 "I have worked with the Elim before. Perhaps I can help?"
"Hmm. Yes, yes perhaps you can.
Very well, I will leave you to speak with the Elim. The one who is looking for assistance is named Demro.
Go and speak with him. Find out what the Elim want, and help them as best you can. Faith and arms, [Player Class]."
1 "Faith and arms."

Intermediate Dialogue[]

I need your help. The Elim need...your help. If you would be willing to give it...of course...."
1 "Of course, that is why I am here."
The ruler of our forest, Lodas... is in terrible danger. His stubborn nature prevents him from leaving...the Eiron Desert. He become a martyr for our cause....
We cannot allow that to happen. Lodas has...saved the Elim so many times before. The time has come for the save Lodas."
1 "I can't very well move him."
"Not with your strength, Daeva. But perhaps with...your words. must speak to Lodas...convince him to leave. We are still in need...of his guidance.
Hurry...he is dying. His roots cry out for water...."
1 "I'll go now."
What...can...this old...Elim do...for you?"
1 "You are dying, Lodas. You must leave this place!"
I will...not leave.... Trees...still They support....
I can...not...desert them...."
1 "Well then, at least let me bring you water."
I...would drink...if there were...something to drink.... You can...bring me that. Water...from the waterfall....
Go, Daeva. Find a...Kerubian Bucket.... Fill it with...water...from the swamp...waterfall...."
1 "Hold on. I'll be back."

Failed Item Check[]

"You didn't...bring water?
Please...Daeva.... I will not...last
You must...fetch water...from the...waterfall...."
X "Conserve your strength. I'll be back soon."

Successful Item Check[]

"Water.... I need...water...."
1 "Here."
"Ahhh.... Thank you!
That should keep me...going for a while. I do understand Demro's...pleas, but I cannot leave. Not while other trees...still remain.
I need you to...tell him. I need Demro to understand.... Would you...speak to Demro again?
You must make him...understand."
1 "Yes Lodas, I will talk to him for you."
"You are back, back but...alone?
Did you visit Lodas? Did you him?"
1 "He will not be swayed from his course."
"Then his wishes...have been granted.
The water you Lodas should sustain him for some...time. If he wishes to stay in... the desert, then I will respect my Lord's wishes.
Thank you, young Daeva. You have...eased this Elim's panicked mind...."
1 "You are most welcome, Demro."

Reward Dialogue[]

"[Player Name]! I was hoping you would come back soon.
You must tell me what happened on your travels. Did you help the Elim in the end? Were you able to slow the spread of the deserts?"
1 "Lodas has been saved, but little else has changed."
"You saved Lord Lodas?!
That is welcome news! He has been a pillar for us, you know. He has helped us on countless occasions. If he is still in the Eiron desert so he can safeguard the last few trees there, then he is even braver than I thought.
You know, seeing him in his current state is so very upsetting, but I'm glad that you were able to help him. I'll make sure we regularly send him purified water from now on."


Phomona asked you to help the Elim. You met with Demro and listened to his story. He made it clear that the ruler the Eltnen forests, Lord Lodas, was dying, and asked you to persuade him to leave the Eiron Desert.

You traveled into the desert and met Lodas, who told you that he could not leave the desert while other trees still remained there. However, he did ask you to bring him some uncontaminated water. You brought the water to Lodas from the swamp's waterfall, then passed on his message to Demro and Phomona.

External Links[]

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